Discover 4 reasons that prove arranged marriages are better than love marriages - PINKVILLA

The concept of arranged marriage in India has long been accepted by our families because we all know that "our parents know better." People often argue that love marriages are better than arranged weddings. But in an arranged setup, it unites those who grew up with a similar belief system. This is an important aspect of building a foundation for a relationship. There is an understanding and acceptance of the partnership differences, and of course the expectations of the spouses are lower on both sides.

Here we bring you 4 reasons why arranged marriages are better than love marriages.

arranged marriage

They accept each other according to situations

In a marriage that is arranged, the first years of marriage are spent by getting to know more and understanding your partner. You feel the need to spend more time with each other and you try to adjust according to your partner's lifestyle. In a love marriage, on the other hand, before their wedding, couples have very different ideas and perspectives towards their future. It is difficult to obey when this understanding relates to the expected social obligations that they are bounded by after marriage.

There have minimal expectations

In an arranged marriage, your partner's expectations are lower. While love weddings are often full of expectations and such prolonged expectations that often go unnoticed and unfulfilled often leads to divorce and disappointment. An arranged married couple may not know each other as compared to those who are starting to head for a love marriage. When there is a lack of knowledge, expectations of the response are low. Because expectations are lower during an arranged marriage, the likelihood of divorce is also reduced.

No struggle convincing parents

No struggle of convincing parents

Isn't this the most wonderful aspect of an arranged marriage? There is no pressure to tell your parents or persuade them to have you married to this specific person, as there is in a love marriage. There's no yelling or arguing. Parents and other relatives choose a life partner for their child that they believe is suitable. This individual is their option, and all you have to do is say yes or no to this possibility.

There is more excitement

Arranged marriage provides a new layer of mystery and discovery. People in arranged marriages are eager to get to know and explore their mates. The post-engagement period is a blessing for couples who are about to marry. While in a love marriage, there isn't much to learn about the person because you've already learned practically everything there is to know about your partner. It becomes tedious to hang out with each other there. In an arranged marriage, you expect and look forward to living with your partner for the rest of your life.

Although love weddings are on the rise, arranged marriages continue to rule the roost. A firm foundation can be formed when there are reduced expectations and a merger of equal-status families. As a result, the chances of a successful marriage are higher in India, where culturally arranged weddings are more accepted than love marriages.

Also Read: 4 Myths of being married that you should stop believing right away

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