Premarital sex counseling is important for 5 reasons - Tribune Online

Pre-marital sex counseling is an investment in your relationship especially the one that could lead to marriage. It has been said that you cannot harvest where you don't invest. Invest in your relationship with your partner. 

Who is pre-marital sex counselling for? If you are serious about getting married to your partner then it is for you.  

There's a popular belief that pre-marital sex helps you explore the chances of being intimate with your partner. In other words, it helps you to build intimacy with your partner before marriage. 

How correct is this belief? Are there no other ways to build intimacy with your partner asides sex? Most of the people that make this excuse just try to hide under this to fulfil their sexual desires. A bunch of them have no proper education or guidance on sex, especially before marriage.  

That's why there are counsellors – sex counsellors who can offer premarital sex counselling and guide the parties in a relationship aright.  


What is premarital counseling and do you need it? 

This form of counseling aims at educating partners on their journey before marriage, and help them with answers to questions that they might have. It is therapy for both parties that aims at helping them grow intimacy and connect on deeper levels since they are sure that they want to spend forever together. It also helps to point out problems that may be lingering around them. The pre-marital counselor gets to see their flaws and help them correct and navigate them aright.  

However, this form of counseling is for serious minded people. As stated earlier, it's for people that are know that they want to get married to each other and have the desire to make things work.  

Pre-marital sex counseling  involves creating patterns that would make their relationships healthy by addressing problems or issues that the partners might be facing that might be detrimental to their bond.  


Reasons why you should go for pre-marital sexual counseling 

  • Improved communication 

Helps you to effectively communicate your sexual desires. It guides you and your partner on how to build intimacy even while you communicate. Effective communication will bring you both together.  

  • Proper sex education 

There are misconceptions regarding sex that have come to be because of lack of proper sex education. Sex education is not provided in schools and this has created lapses due to wrong knowledge and misinformation.  

Proper education will help you debunk misconceptions that have created fear in your heart for sex especially if you haven't had sex before.  

  • To create awareness 

Many times, couples fail to clearly communicate about how they would love to be satisfied by their partner. They sometimes are not bold enough to communicate sex ideas that they have. Therefore, talking to a pre-marital sex counselor would enlighten you on all that you should know about sex and also demystify myths about sex.   

It also trains you to speak vulnerably with your partner regarding sex and also talk about your likes and dislikes concerning sex. 

  • To plan for pregnancy 

Some partners are usually confused about what the whole process concerning pregnancy is like. From not using condoms or contraceptives to not seeing their period, and then getting pregnant. This might lead to a clueless sexual activity. It's important to know the basic things like the use of condoms, the use of contraceptives, the ovulation process, and the preparations for pregnancy. 

All these are done to ensure that you're prepared for pregnancy before it comes, during the process and after childbirth.  

  • Knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases 

Many couples do not have the basic understanding of HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and how they can be prevented. The pre-marital counseling would help impact knowledge of all these to them. 


Misconceptions about pre-marital sex counseling 


  • One misconception about Pre-marital Counseling is that it is only for the bad times eg. When there's unwanted pregnancy in the picture, and unhealthy sexual attachment. 

Note: Counseling can be done even when the going is good. It is meant to educate you and shield you from doing what is wrong or could be detrimental to your health. 

  • Another one is, pre-marital counseling is for the weak and not so smart and that head knowledge can be used instead of counseling 
  • Another myth Is that the most effective way to learn about each other is through sex. No way that's a big lie. Life after marriage will not revolve around only sex your life has to go on. Other things have to work. 

In conclusion, premarital counseling is to help you and your partner figure out your blind spots and correct them. It will help you with how to communicate your sexual needs and ideas effectively. It will keep you informed about the dangers of pre-marital sex – unwanted pregnancy which has the tendency to cripple your plans and your capacity, STDs, unhealthy sexual attachment and the likes. 


Premarital sex counseling  Premarital sex counseling  Premarital sex counseling

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