The Importance of Social Skills Therapy for Autism - Verywell Health

One of the most significant problems for autistic people is difficulty in social interaction. The level of difficulty can be intense, as it usually is for people with no spoken language, or it can be relatively mild.

However, even mild difficulties with social communication can lead to major problems with relationships, school, and employment. It's why social skill development is so important for autistic kids and adults.

This article explains why autistic people face specific challenges with social communication and why it matters. It offers information about social skills therapy and how to find a provider.

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Social Skills Affected by Autism

In some cases, autistic people lack very basic social skills. They may find it very difficult (or even impossible) to make eye contact, ask and answer questions, or respond appropriately with please and thank you. While these basic skills are not enough to support a meaningful relationship, they are important tools for self-advocacy and interacting with any member of the community.

In other cases, basic communication skills are intact, but there are gaps in understanding others' thoughts and feelings and responding appropriately. These issues, very often, are the result of not knowing what another person might be thinking.

Most people can observe others and guess, through a combination of tone and body language, what's "really" going on. Generally, without help and training, autistic people (even those with very high intelligence) can't.

This "mind blindness" can lead even autistic people with low support needs to make social blunders that cause all kinds of problems. Without knowing why, an autistic person can hurt your feelings, ask inappropriate questions, act oddly, or generally open themselves up to hostility, teasing, bullying, and isolation.

Social Skills Therapist

As the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis has become more common, a sort of industry has grown around teaching social skills to children and adults. There is no official certification for social skills therapists. Thus, social skills practitioners come from a wide range of backgrounds and training.

In general, social skills therapists are professionals who specialize in working with autistic people. Over time, they have developed or learned techniques to build social interaction skills ranging from basic skills (such as making eye contact) to complex and subtle skills (like asking for a date).

A variety of professionals can provide social skills therapy, including:

  • Social workers
  • Psychologists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Speech/language therapists

Social skills therapists have sometimes received training and certification in a particular therapeutic method. Individual therapists/researchers, including Carol Gray, Brenda Myles, and Michelle Garcia Winner, have developed programs and materials that can be useful in teaching, practicing, and generalizing social skills.

In recent years, "do it yourself" social skills teaching tools for parents and autistic adults have hit the market. These generally take the form of books and videos modeling different types of interactions, along with hints and tips for "doing it right." Drama therapists also work on social skills through literally scripting scenarios and/or improving and critiquing practice interactions.

How Social Skills Therapists Help Autistic People

Since no single official certification exists for social skills therapists, techniques vary. In a school setting, social skills therapy may consist of group activities with autistic and neurotypical peers. Generally speaking, school social skills groups focus on game playing, sharing, and conversation. Groups may be overseen by school psychologists or social workers and may be held in the classroom, lunchroom or playground.

Out-of-school social skills groups are similar in style but are paid for privately (medical insurance is unlikely to cover such programs). Children are grouped by age and ability and may make use of specific social skills curricula as developed by well-established practitioners of social skills therapy.

Drama therapy, a variation of social skills therapy, is somewhat unusual, but where it's offered, it has the potential to be both fun and educational. Video modeling, video critiques of interactions, group therapy, and other approaches may also be available in your area and are especially appropriate for teens and adults. Typical cognitive therapy with a psychologist or psychiatrist may also be helpful.

Limits on the Effectiveness of Social Skills Therapy

In theory, social skills therapy will provide autistic people with the ability to converse, share, play, and work with typical peers. In an ideal world, such therapy will allow autistic people to become almost indistinguishable from their neurotypical peers.

In fact, social skills therapy tends to be offered no more than an hour or two a week. While it may provide autistic learners with specific skills and techniques ("look at a person's face when you're conversing," for example), it's unlikely to make an autistic person appear neurotypical.

A program most likely to have such an impact would be very intensive, unlike the vast majority of existing social skills programs.

How to Find a Qualified Social Skills Therapist

Since there is no official certification for social skills therapists, finding a qualified practitioner can be challenging. Most of the best social skills therapists are not so much trained as born> They happen to be very talented therapists in their own field, with an innate understanding of how to help autistic people "get" how others think, feel, and act.

Thus, the fact that someone has been trained in a particular social skills method does not necessarily make them an ideal therapist. The best way to decide if a therapist is right for you or your child is to attend a few sessions.

Most school programs for autistic children include social skills therapy. It's not unusual for a school psychologist or social worker to run social skills programs with relatively little training or background. Therefore, it may be worth a parent's time to inquire who is offering such programs and why they were chosen to do so.

If you are interested in finding private social skills therapy, a good idea is to start with your local Autism Society of America chapter or AutismLink, both of which offer information about local practitioners.

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