Capricorn Zodiac sign: Read up on dates, personality traits, and more - USA TODAY

The final days of December don't just signify the winter holidays, they're also the beginning of Capricorn season. Symbolized by a horned goat, this earth sign is known for its big-picture perspective and level head. 

In conversation with Aliza Kelly, celebrity astrologer and author, we explore the key personality traits of Capricorns, their compatibility with other signs, and more. 

Capricorn horoscope:Take a look at the week ahead

Kelly, a Leo, describes astrology as "one of the most powerful tools for being able to open up really beautiful complex multidimensional conversations." For skeptics, newcomers, and seasoned horoscope readers alike, she encourages an open mind on how the art of astrology can serve you in your daily life. 

Her new project with Spotify, "Astrology Club" invites listeners to explore different curated podcast playlists that help give a window into what the stars might be saying about you. "When you introduce people to astrology not just as this parlor trick, but as something that is the catalyst for having such meaningful conversation... we can identify the fact that astrology is really a language set," Kelly says. 

Is it in the stars? Free Daily and Monthly Horoscopes

Learn more about each Zodiac sign

Pisces | Aquarius | Capricorn | Sagittarius | Scorpio | Libra | Virgo | Leo | Cancer | Gemini | Taurus | Aries

When does Capricorn Season start?

Capricorn season begins December 22 and lasts until January 19. 

Key personality traits of Capricorns

  • Ambitious
  • Determined
  • Hard-working 

"Capricorn is the last earth sign of the Zodiac," Kelly says, "It is a Cardinal earth, which means that it is the earth sign most associated with initiation." Capricorns are excellent at manifesting, she says, and are real big-picture thinkers. 

"They're always thinking about the macro," Kelly explains, "they are looking at life through this sort of 30,000-foot-up point of view." They're on a constant quest to achieve more, to do better, and to accomplish everything that they hope to accomplish and experience in this lifetime. 


Capricorns are very ambitious, Kelly says. They're hard workers who always have a wider view of how they want to move up and how they can go about making their big-picture dreams a reality. 

They are determined and hardworking, often the last ones to leave the office, and are not afraid to put their nose to the grindstone. 


"You're only hanging out with a Capricorn if they genuinely like you," Kelly jokes, "Capricorns do not like to waste their time." 

This is a sign that takes their relationships incredibly seriously, Kelly explains. They value quality time and care deeply about not only building but maintaining a strong and solid bond with someone.

That sense of commitment is very important to a Capricorn, Kelly says, but it has to be reciprocated. "They want to know that the person is as invested as they are in whatever the dynamics are," she says, "and if not, then Capricorns are also exceptional at boundaries, and they are not afraid to wall someone off." 

Capricorns are compatible with the other two earth signs Taurus and Virgo, and with water signs Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. 


Kelly reports that Capricorns are:

  • hardworking
  • ambitious
  • honest
  • trustworthy
  • straightforward
  • responsible
  • practical

Capricorns are entrepreneurial, and their big dreams are made even more plausible by a real sense of commitment and hard work, Kelly says. They are determined, responsible, and incredibly focused.

Because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, a planet associated with responsibilities, boundaries and restrictions, a Capricorn's perception of reality is that the world is a very difficult and challenging place, Kelly explains. The upside to this is that Capricorns are incredibly hard-working and focused as they feel they have to be in order to achieve what they want. 

Capricorns are rigorous with their intention setting, Kelly says, calling them "extremely ambitious and inspired individuals" in part due to their motivation to try to figure out how to get the most out of life despite the hardship. 


A Capricorn's points of weakness according to Kelly can include:

  • pessimism
  • tendency to be a workaholic
  • materialism
  • coldness
  • insensitivity 
  • rigidness
  • inhospitality 

Since Capricorns are inclined to view the world as a difficult place, they can at times be pessimistic. 

They are also given to seriousness which can manifest as both a strength and a weakness. Their ability to set such strong boundaries can also make them appear cold at times. 

New to Astrology? We've got you covered. Explore more Zodiac coverage and find out what the stars say about you with USA TODAY's astrological sign series. 

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